Nutrition Australia operates in various states and territories throughout Australia. Each division provides a range of services and programs that are specific to the needs of their state or territory.
We empower school communities with skills and knowledge so everyone is better able to promote health and nutrition to children and…
Nutrition Australia Qld’s Schools Program works with the whole school community to provide accurate, practical nutrition information and a range…
NSW Population Health Survey 2018 found just 4% of children aged between 5-11 years consume the recommended serves of vegetables…
Mighty Bites is a Nutrition Australia NSW program that supports and inspires students from Years 3 to 6 to cultivate…
Over the past two years, Nutrition Australia Qld has worked with Somerville House in Brisbane to review their boarding school…
We empower Queensland school communities with skills and knowledge so everyone is better able to promote health and nutrition to children and…
Based on the Health Promoting Schools framework, Nutrition Australia ACT school services focus on: The curriculum The school environment Families…
Overview Food&ME™ is a series of evidence-based nutrition education units (from Preschool to Year 8) linked to The Australian Curriculum:…
Based on the latest science and research, qualified health professionals and educators provide a range of services for ACT primary and…
We provide accurate and up to date nutrition information for out of school hours care (OSHC) facilities. Our services are…
Our services Nutrition Australia NSW provides a variety of services to students, parents & school communities including: Seminars & Workshops…
National Healthy School Canteen Guidelines All ACT school canteens need to follow the National Healthy School Canteen Gudelines. These guidelines use…
Go for GREEN workshops Our go for GREEN workshops are designed for school canteen managers, staff and volunteers to help…
Developed by Nutrition Australia ACT Inc, and funded by the ACT Government’s Healthy Canberra Grants, the ACT Nutrition Support Service…