Based on the Health Promoting Schools framework, Nutrition Australia ACT school services focus on:
- The curriculum
- The school environment
- Families and the wider school community.
Food&METM Teacher Professional Learning
This 2 hour professional learning workshop has been accredited by the ACT Teacher Quality Institute (TQI).
Delivered by the authors of Food&METM, the workshop aims to empower teachers with accurate, evidence based nutrition knowledge supporting the delivery of nutrition education in the classroom using the Food&METM Kindergarten – Year 6 and Preschool resources.
Click here to learn more.
Classroom visits
A dietitian will visit your classroom and deliver an age appropriate healthy eating lessons to students in a fun and engaging manner.
This 30 minute session includes relevant classroom activities and take home information.
Topics are tailored according to school needs and interests.
School community and parent nutrition seminars
Why not involve the wider school community in nutrition education? Your next P&C meeting or parents night is the perfect location for a one hour seminar delivered by Accredited Practicing Dietitian from Nutrition Australia ACT Division. Popular topics include:
- Fabulous food for kids – empower children to make healthy food choices
- Lifting the lid on lunch – healthy lunches can be exciting too!
- The hungry teenager – learn about teenage eating patterns and how to handle body image
- Breakfast boosters – learn about on-the-go breakfast options, and why it is one of the most important meals of the day.
Staff wellbeing sessions
Healthy teachers portray a healthy image to their students.
Our one hour nutrition presentations are designed to motivate and inspire teachers to make healthy food choices for themselves and convey healthy messages to their students.
Cooking demonstrations
Nutrition Australia’s nutritionists will deliver a one hour cooking demonstration at your school, providing ideas for healthy meals and snacks. Taste testing will be provided for up to 30 participants. Resources, including posters, recipe sheets and fact sheets on relevant nutrition and health issues will be provided to participants.
The facilities available for preparation, cooking and taste-testing must be confirmed before a booking can be finalised.
Nutrition Australia ACT Division will supply all equipment required for the cooking demonstration and taste testing.
Student cooking workshops
These workshops give students the opportunity to develop skills in food preparation, recipe selection, meal planning and food budgeting, all under the supervision of a nutritionist from Nutrition Australia. Session content and recipes are tailored to specific age groups and skill levels.
For further information regarding the ACT healthy schools services, contact Nutrition Australia ACT Division.
Ph: 02 6162 2583
Email: info@act.nutritionaustralia.org.