As part of our commitment to provide up-to-date nutrition information to our members, Nutrition Australia runs seminars and workshops throughout the year that feature the latest in nutrition news, research and development.
Slideshows that are currently available include:
Careers in Nutrition seminar in Melbourne, 18 April 2013
Four nutrition professionals talk about how they achieved their current roles, and what it took to get there.
- Kathleen Delley, Senior Project Officer, Nutrition and Food Systems, Vichealth (PDF 1MB)
- Kelly Neville, Accredited Practising Dietitian, Public Health Nutritionist, Senior Project Officer, Department of Health (Victoria) (PDF 5.6MB)
- Zoe Young, Project Officer (Workplaces and hospitals),Healthy Eating Advisory Service, Nutrition Australia Vic Division (PDF 1.01MB)
- Jessica Kempler, Project Officer (Early Childhood Education and Care Services), Healthy Eating Advisory Service, Nutrition Australia Vic Division (PDF 1.39MB)
Living with Coeliac Disease, 18 October 2012
Presented by Jane Davies, Exeucutive Officer, Coeliac Victoria and Tasmania Inc.
Extending knowledge of fermentable carbohydrates in health and gastrointestinal disorders, 18 October 2012
Presented by Dr Jaci Barrett, PhD, BSc(Biomed)(Hons), MND, Department of Gastroenterology, Central Clinical School, The Alfred
Glenys Zucco – Milk: nature’s sports drink
Glenys Zucco, Dairy Australia Dietitian discusses the role of dairy in exercise recovery
Ric Benjamin – Food insecurity – a hidden problem in Australia
Ric Benjamin, CEO of foodbank Australia outlines the extent of the issues surrounding food insecurity in Australia and the way in which foodbanks can work to help combat these challenges.
Professor Simone Pettigrew – Review of Food Labelling Law and Policy (2011)
Professor Simone Pettigrew of the University of Western Australia Business School gives a review of food label laws in Australia and New Zealand.
Associate Professor Tim Crowe – Superfoods or Supermyths
Associate Professor Tim Crowe is an Accredited Practising Dietitian and nutrition academic within the Deakin University School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences. Tim teaches in the areas of nutritional physiology and biochemistry as well as the applied role of nutrition in disease prevention and management, particularly obesity, diabetes and cancer. In ‘Superfoods or Supermyths?’ Tim reveals the truth behind some of the so called ‘superfoods’. Tim also emphasises the importance of food variety, and presents the top ten foods he recommends to include in the daily diet, and explains why they are so good for you!
Adam Walsh – Parental influences on physical activity and eating habits of children
Adam Walsh is a Lecturer in Nutrition and Dietetics at the Deakin University School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences. He teaches at both undergraduate level in the Bachelor of Food Science and Nutrition and postgraduate level in the Master of Dietetics. In this slideshow Adam reveals the findings of his latest research on how parents can influence the physical activity and eating habits of children under the age of five years.