The Fruit & Vegetable Consortium

The Fruit & Vegetable Consortium (FVC) is a collaboration of key organisations to collectively advocate for comprehensive joint action to improve Australia’s fruit and vegetable consumption.

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A fresh approach to increasing fruit & vegetable consumption

The Consortium was formed in response to the alarmingly low rates of fruit and vegetable consumption in Australia. Just half of Australian adults – and two thirds of children – have an adequate daily intake of fruit. When it comes to vegetables, only seven per cent of adults and five per cent of children meet the recommended guideline for daily vegetable intake.

We are working alongside other members AUSVEG, CSIRO, VicHealth, Health & Wellbeing Queensland, Deakin Institute of Physical Activity & Nutrition (IPAN), and Melbourne Market Authority to develop more effective marketing and promotional interventions that will deliver significant long-term change to fruit and vegetable consumption.

Working towards a happier, healthier and wealthier Australia

In 2019, the Consortium developed a Position Statement outlining its vision for a business case and prospectus to potential funders, including government, retailers and other interested sectors to outline the investment for a sustained, comprehensive behavioural change strategy for increasing vegetable consumption. The Consortium currently have over 200 organisation and individual supporters of the Position Statement.

In 2021, the Consortium developed a detailed and compelling Business Case and Blueprint for investment and material support for the behavioural change strategy. The Business Case presents evidence-based propositions and a call for investment and support from industry, health, and government. The FVC will in the coming months use this Business Case to attract supporters, new members and potential investors.

The Consortium have also produced a powerful pitch video that summarises its’ case for change and calls on government and industry to collaborate with the FVC to help Australians eat more vegetables.

Finally, the Consortium have raised its’ profile with successful social media campaigns led across Nutrition Australia channels. Additionally, the FVC has also released a dedicated FVC website. During 2020-21, the website has had 2,935 visits and 2,365 unique visitors.

FVC in the media

Fruit & Vegetable Consortium Assets

Learn more

For more information on the Fruit & Vegetable Consortium, visit