Nutrition Australia is an independent, member organisation that aims to promote the health and wellbeing of all Australians. Nutrition Australia is the registered business name for The Australian Nutrition Foundation Inc. The Australia Nutrition Foundation is a registered association, registered in the ACT.
To facilitate delivery of the healthy eating message to a much larger audience
To build capacity through advocacy, partnerships and collaboration
To develop a sustainable organisation
To manage the brand
To enable change through education and information sharing
Collaborate to effectively and efficiently deliver the healthy eating message to all
Advocate for good nutrition and healthy eating.
Founded in 1979
The Australian Nutrition Foundation Inc was founded in 1979, became incorporated in 1981, and commenced trading as Nutrition Australia in 2001.
Nutrition Australia continues the work of the Australian Nutrition Foundation (ANF) as Australia’s peak community nutrition education body, to provide scientifically based nutrition information to encourage all Australians to achieve optimal health through encouraging quality foods for a balanced diet low in processed products.
Our goals include:
Some examples of Nutrition Australia services and activities include:
Each state or territory division of Nutrition Australia may appoint two National Board Directors. One of these Directors must be a nutrition professional