National Strategic Focus
Champion positive and evidence-informed food and nutrition messaging
Maximise impact through partnerships and collaboration
Promote nutritious, affordable and sustainable food environments
Maintain transparency and independence from industry
Key Activities
Nutrition programs and initiatives across key settings
Advocacy, communication and liaison
Founded in 1979
The Australian Nutrition Foundation Inc was founded in 1979, became incorporated in 1981, and commenced trading as Nutrition Australia in 2001.
Nutrition Australia continues the work of the Australian Nutrition Foundation (ANF) as Australia’s peak public health and community nutrition charity providing evidence-informed initiatives across key settings.
Key approaches
- Settings-based – We support early childhood education, schools, outside school care, workplaces, aged care and community organisations.
- Food literacy focused – We support Australians in planning, budgeting, shopping and preparing food, particularly those experiencing food insecurity.
- Child and youth invested – We work with child and youth settings to create food environments that help children thrive and build strong foundations for lifelong wellbeing.
- Community-led – We hear the community voice and partner with community-based organisations and other not-for-profits to co-deliver initiatives.
- Tailored support – We tailor our initiatives to all communities, including First Nations, culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) and priority groups.
- Evidence-informed – We develop initiatives in consultation with communities, experts and researchers from across Australia.
- National reach – We work with our members and other health professionals to make nutrition initiatives accessible across Australia
Services and activities
- Tailored nutrition programs, workshops and professional development across key settings
- Early Childhood Education and Care
- Schools
- Outside School Hours Care
- Workplaces
- Community Groups and Organisations
- Seniors and aged care settings
- Practical cooking and food literacy workshops for priority population groups
- National campaigns
- National Nutrition Week (October)
- National Lunchbox Week (February)
- Policy submissions and position statements on subjects including national and state food and nutrition policies, dietary guidelines, food standards and future strategies.
Board of directors
Each state or territory division of Nutrition Australia may appoint two National Board Directors. One of these Directors must be a nutrition professional