About Nutrition Australia

Nutrition Australia is a non-government, non-profit, health promotion charity.

Nutrition Australia is an independent, member organisation that aims to help Australian communities build nourishing and equitable food environments. Nutrition Australia is the registered business name for The Australian Nutrition Foundation Inc. The Australia Nutrition Foundation is an incorporated association with tax deductible gift recipient (DGR) status.

National Strategic Focus

Champion positive and evidence-informed food and nutrition messaging

Maximise impact through partnerships and collaboration

Promote nutritious, affordable and sustainable food environments

Maintain transparency and independence from industry

Key Activities

Nutrition programs and initiatives across key settings

National campaigns

Advocacy, communication and liaison


Founded in 1979

The Australian Nutrition Foundation Inc was founded in 1979, became incorporated in 1981, and commenced trading as Nutrition Australia in 2001.

Nutrition Australia continues the work of the Australian Nutrition Foundation (ANF) as Australia’s peak public health and community nutrition charity providing evidence-informed initiatives across key settings.

Key approaches

Services and activities

Board of directors

Each state or territory division of Nutrition Australia may appoint two National Board Directors. One of these Directors must be a nutrition professional