Based on the latest science and research, qualified health professionals and educators provide a range of services for ACT primary and secondary school communities, including canteens, after school care, Parents and Citizens Associations, school principals and teachers. All of our services are tailored to specific ages and learning stages as appropriate to the school community.
Food&ME™ teachers’ resource
Food&ME™ is a series of evidence-based nutrition education units (from Preschool to Year 8) linked to The Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education and aligning with the Australian Dietary Guidelines (2013). The lessons provide students with the opportunity to learn about the relationship between food and health, including the effect food choices can have on their bodies and mental wellbeing.
Funded by the ACT Government, the Food&ME™ resources have been developed by Nutrition Australia ACT in consultation with ACT school teachers. In 2019 the resources were reviewed and updated by ACT Health and Nutrition Australia ACT.
For more information or to download Food&ME™ click here.
Food&ME teacher professional learning
Our two hour TQI accredited professional learning workshop empowers teachers with accurate, evidence based nutrition knowledge for teaching nutrition.
Contact us to find out about upcoming Food&ME PL opportunities or to arrange a PL session at your school.
Canteen food safety training
All ACT registered food businesses are required to have a food safety supervisor.
NAQ Nutrition Training’s Food Safet Supervisor course meets the requirements of Nationally Recognised Training and has been specially developed to meet the needs of staff working in school canteens.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will achieve a Statement of Attainment for two units of competency.
For further information regarding canteen managers training course click here.
ACT healthy schools services

Nutrition Australia ACT Division can provide professional learning programs to equip teachers with the tools for successfully teaching nutrition in the classroom.
Want to involve the wider school community in nutrition education? Your next P&C meeting or parent information evening is the perfect opportunity for a nutrition seminar.
Nutrition Australia ACT Division also offers cooking demonstrations and workshops for school children, parents and families.
For more information about the ACT healthy schools services click here.
Outside school hours care
A nutritionist from Nutrition Australia ACT Division will visit your outside school hours care service, and get the children involved in preparing nutritious and delicious afternoon snacks. In addition, your service will receive ideas for games and activities that have a healthy twist.
Staff nutrition and food safety sessions and menu assessments are also available.
For more information about outside school hours care services click here.