NSW Health offers a variety of free programs for communities, schools, families and individuals. Programs are evidence-based and offer guidance from qualified health professionals.

Get Healthy Information and Coaching Service
Get Healthy provides information and offers a FREE telephone based Information and Coaching service staffed by qualified health coaches, supporting adults (16 years or older) to make healthy lifestyle changes in the area of healthy eating, physical activity and healthy weight. The service includes up to 13 calls to offer you support in achieving your goals over a 6 month period.
Call 1300 806 258 from Monday to Friday, 8am – 8pm to register your interest. Interpreters are available.
Or, visit www.gethealthynsw.com.au to register and learn more about Get Healthy. Registrations from past participants are welcome.

Get Healthy at Work
The Get Healthy at Work program is designed to make it easy for workers to do something about their health at work. The program identifies individual and workplace health concerns and provides options to address them.
As part of the program, you’ll be offered the opportunity to have a free and confidential Healthy Lifestyle Check – either with a trained health practitioner who will visit your work site or online at this website. In just 20 minutes you’ll find out about your risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and mental ill-health. You’ll also receive advice on some simple changes you can make to improve your health, and those at high-risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease or mental ill-health will be provided with referrals to a lifestyle health program and other health services.
Visit www.gethealthyatwork.com.au to register and to download from their vast range of helpful resources.

Healthy Eating and Active Living
Healthy Eating and Active Living (formerly Make Healthy Normal) offers tips, tools and free programs that support a healthy lifestyle for you and your family.
This initiative aligns with the NSW Government’s Healthy Eating and Active Living Strategy, which is committed to supporting a healthy community in NSW and reducing the impact of lifestyle-related chronic disease.
Find out more about the free programs and tools and tips you can use to eat healthier and get active.
Visit https://www.healthyliving.nsw.gov.au/

Go 4 Fun
Go4Fun is a free program for NSW children aged 7 to 13 who are above a healthy weight, and their families. Run by trained health and community professionals, it’s a fun way to build self-esteem and learn about eating well, staying active and living a healthy life. Go 4 Fun is part of the Healthy Children Initiative.
Since Go4Fun launched in Australia in 2011, more than 13,000 families have participated in the program.
There are now three versions of the program available:
- Standard Go4Fun®
- Aboriginal Go4Fun®
- Go4Fun Online®
Check out Go 4 Fun here www.go4fun.com.au

Live Life Well @ School
Healthy students are better learners and schools are an ideal place for children to gain skills and experiences which encourage lifelong physical activity and healthy eating.
Part of the Healthy Children Initiative, Live Life Well @ School offers training and resources to teachers in NSW primary schools to create a school culture where children can be active and eat well. This takes a whole of school approach, through classroom learning, school policy and connecting with families. Visit the Live Life Well @ School website to access resources for your school.

Munch and Move
Munch & Move is a NSW Health initiative that supports the healthy development of children birth to 5 years by promoting physical activity, healthy eating and reduced small screen time (e.g. watching TV or DVDs, playing on computers and small hand-held games devices).
Munch & Move offers training and resources to educators working in NSW early childhood education and care services. The training aims to assist educators to implement a fun, play-based approach to supporting healthy eating and physical activity habits in young children. The Munch & Move program fits within the new National Quality Framework and the Early Years Learning Framework.
Visit the Munch and Move website.
Munch and Move is a Healthy Children Initiative program. A complete outline of all programs can be found on the Healthy Kids website.

Finish with the Right Stuff
Finish with the Right Stuff is a free NSW Health program that helps junior sports clubs to promote water as the drink of choice and have healthy food options for children and patrons. We understand that changes to your club need to be quick and practical, without affecting club profits!
After the game is over, all their hard work can be undone by loading up on unhealthy food and drink. It’s important that sports canteens offer the right stuff for kids to finish the game strong. This gives their body the best chance of recovering and powering through the day.
Visit Finish With The Right Stuff’s website.

NSW Healthy School Canteen Strategy
The NSW Healthy School Canteen Strategy is all about giving students across NSW a taste for healthy foods and to make the healthy choice, the easy choice. The Strategy addresses NSW school canteens to support healthy growth and development of students.
All NSW public schools were required to transition to the NSW Healthy School Canteen Strategy over a three-year period (2017-2019) and non-government schools were strongly encouraged to participate.
The Strategy has a set of Food and Drink Criteria that outlines a healthy school canteen. It applies to all foods and drinks provided in NSW school canteens and vending machines. For more information or to access the resources available, please visit the Healthy Schools Canteen website.
Nutrition Australia NSW champions the NSW Healthy School Canteen Strategy and offers visits to schools to ensure their canteen menu meets the Food and Drink Benchmark in accordance with the NSW Healthy School Canteen Strategy.
National programs and schemes:
- The Australian Dietary Guidelines
- The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating
- The Health Star Rating front-of-pack labelling system.
Nutrition Australia NSW is proudly supported by NSW Health.