A Message from Nutrition Australia NSW
Valued members, clients, volunteers and supporters,
We are closely monitoring the impacts and concerns associated with the current Sydney Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Our thoughts are with anyone who is impacted by these difficult times, particularly those who feel more isolated in the community.
As we work towards protecting the health of our communities, the NSW Government has advised that stay-at-home orders have been extended until Saturday, 28 August at 12.01am across Greater Sydney including the Central Coast, Blue Mountains, Wollongong and Shellharbour. For the latest details and updates please visit the NSW Government’s COVID-19 website. For resources in over 40 languages and assistance, please click here or visit Multicultural NSW.

Many of those in our network, like so many Australians, may be feeling overwhelmed during this difficult time. The situation is bringing many unprecedented challenges to our lives and prolonged exposure to COVID-19 related stress and tight restrictions can have lasting impacts on our mental health.
NANSW is doing our part in protecting the community and supporting mental health and wellbeing. We are constantly reviewing the latest advice and all our operations have been adapted to minimise risk to our volunteers, students, staff, clients and customers. Our priority is to ensure the safety and wellbeing of everyone at Nutrition Australia NSW, while maintaining support to people in need during this difficult time.
Our responses to the current COVID-19 situation include:
- Mandatory work from home for office staff, consultants and volunteers
- Postponement or replacement of in-person events and services with video conferencing delivery where possible
- One on One Consultation will continue to operate (following strict personal hygiene guidelines)
- Increased promotion of key messages and advocacy through digital content via e-news, website, social media, videos, and more
New and innovative ideas are being explored to bring our healthy eating and well-bring programs to corporates, communities and individuals, such as our weekly free live online cooking demonstrations, Project Pantry, and virtual networking events for volunteers each Friday at 5pm.
NANSW remains committed to maintaining our high-quality services for corporates, schools and childcare, councils, community groups, and individuals – whether via digital conferencing technology, or in-person pending health orders and advice.
We thank our consultants, staff, volunteers and community supporters who are continuing to provide assistance to needy communities. We extend our appreciation to NSW Department of Health for their continual support of our vital work and for looking after all of us during this time.
We encourage all to stay safe, follow the advice of NSW Health and get vaccinated as soon as possible.
If you have any questions, please contact Head Office on [email protected]
Barbara Ward
Media Releases
COVID-19 Financial Help and Resources
If you can’t earn income due to restricted movement, you may be able to get the COVID-19 Disaster Payment.
This is a lump sum payment to help workers unable to earn income due to a COVID-19 lockdown, hotspot or period of restricted movement.
You can’t be getting any of the following payments for the same period you’re claiming COVID-19 Disaster Payment:
- an income support payment, ABSTUDY Living Allowance, Dad and Partner Pay or Parental Leave Pay
- a state or territory pandemic payment, Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment or state small business payment.
Australian residents must claim online. This is the quickest and simplest way to claim, with most online claims paid within 24 hours.
To claim online, you need a myGov account linked to a Centrelink online account. If you don’t have a myGov account, you can create one.
For information about eligibility and when you can start your claim, go to servicesaustralia.gov.au/covid19disasterpayment