Food&ME™ is a series of evidence-based nutrition education units (from Preschool to Year 8) linked to The Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education and aligns with the Australian Dietary Guidelines (2013).
The Food&ME™ nutrition education units have been developed by Accredited Practising Dietitians from Nutrition Australia ACT in consultation with teachers from ACT schools and ACT Health. Each of the units have been pilot tested in different classroom settings to ensure the content meets student’s requirements and suits a range of teaching styles.
The resources support schools to deliver the ‘classroom learning’ action area of ACT Health’s inititiative, Fresh Tastes. Fresh Tastes is a free ACT Government service helping schools make healthy food and drinks a bigger part of everyday life for Canberra’s kids.
The complete suite of Food&ME™ resources can be downloaded for free. Click here to access your copies now.

Professional learning opportunities

Nutrition Australia ACT provides a two-hour professional learning workshop which hasbeen accredited by the ACT Teacher Quality Institute (TQI). This interactive
session gives teachers the knowledge and confidence to effectively teach nutrition to primary school students and equips them with the tools and resources to deliver consistent nutrition messages in the classroom.
For details of upcoming professional learning opportunities, contact Nutrition Australia ACT on [email protected]
Free online professional learning
These free courses provide practical ideas and materials to support the delivery of nutrition education in the classroom using the Food&ME Kindergarten – Year 6 and Preschool resources. Each course can be completed either individually or in teaching teams in a minimum of two hours and is accredited by the ACT Teacher Quality Institute.
Click here to access the online course on the ‘Healthy Children’s Learning Hub’.