Nutrition Australia NSW is proud to announce the launch of the Healthy Lunchbox Workshop as part of the Health Promotion Project, funded by NSW Health and SESLHD. The Health Promotion Project has been developed to contribute to the NSW Healthy Eating and Active Living Strategy, NSW Health and NSW Premier’s Priority Tackling Childhood Obesity.

The Healthy Lunchbox Workshop aims to inspire and encourage parents/carers to prepare healthy lunchboxes for children at primary and secondary schools. The workshop complements the NSW Healthy School Canteen Strategy and incorporates valuable data from The Australian Guide to Healthy eating and Live Life Well at School. The workshop offers information and practical advice to enable people to make healthy choices.

According to the NSW Healthy School Canteen Strategy, public schools will transition to the revised strategy over a three-year period (2017-2019). That means: you know your child’s lunch will be healthy, no matter it comes from either home or school canteen. In the new strategy, limited (maximum ¼ of the canteen menu) of occasional foods and drinks can be sold and only products with a Health Star Rating – HSR ≥ 3.5 stars; no sugary drinks to be sold; the display to only promote and advertise everyday choices and others. For more information visit:

We have prepared a fact sheet to help you with some tips on packing a healthy lunchbox, click here.
For more information, school eligibility and availability, please contact us on 02 9750 3990 or email us.