Did you know that only 5% of Australian children eat their recommended intake of vegetables? When children aren’t eating fruit and vegetables at school, it’s almost impossible for them to reach their recommended intakes. Children need the nutrients from fruit and vegetables to learn, grow and play.
NSW Health also provides a number of FREE health promotion projects and initiatives for schools to get involved in throughout the year. See the list below for details, and how to sign your school up today.
Crunch&Sip® is a set time in primary schools for students to ‘refuel’ on vegetables, salad and fruit and ‘rehydrate’ with water. Students who are not hungry and are well hydrated perform better in the classroom, show increased concentration, and are less likely to be irritable and disruptive. Many students are not eating enough vegetables and fruit or keeping sufficiently hydrated.
Each school can choose a suitable time and way to implement Crunch&Sip® that fits with the school’s timetable. It may suit the school for all classes to have Crunch&Sip® at the same time, or for individual teachers to decide when it best suits their class schedule. Teachers may have Crunch&Sip® time while students continue on with their work, or stop work and hold a Crunch&Sip® specific activity inside or outside of the classroom.
For more information about introducing Crunch&Sip® at your school, head to the Crunch&Sip® website.
Fruit and Veg Month 2021
Fruit & Veg Month is a health promotion event that aims to encourage increased fruit and vegetable consumption amongst NSW primary school children through engaging classroom, whole school and family based activities. Fruit and Veg Month 2021 will be hled through the month of September. Fruit and Veg Month provides free classroom, and whole of school, resources that promote kids eating more fruit and vegetables.

The theme of 2020 was Planet Fruit & Veg! It was all about exploring the world of fruits and vegetables through the lens of sustainability. While the theme for 2021 is yet to be annouced, schools are able to fill in the quick and easy registration form for this year via their website.
To find out more about Fruit and Veg Month, check out the Healthy Kids Association website here.
Vegetable Week & The Big Vegie Crunch
Vegetable Week & The Big Vegie Crunch is an event for NSW primary schools (including those schools that teach a primary curriculum) only. Schools can sign up for the 2021 campaign and free resources via the Healthy Kids Association website.