Nutrition Australia’s one hour seminars are delivered onsite at your workplace by an Accredited Practising Nutritionist. All participants receive take home resources to supplement the seminar information. Topics include:
Boost your energy
Learn about dietary recommendations that will boost energy so you get the most out of everyday!
9 steps to healthy eating
Learn how to incorporate healthy food choices into daily life in 9 simple steps, A.K.A. healthy eating 101!
Navigating food labels
Equip participants with the skills to understand what’s in food and how to select healthy food products.
Eat to beat stress
Learn about what foods can help manage your mood and stress levels.
Myth busters
“Potatoes are fattening” … “if you’re trying to lose weight you need to avoid all types of fat”
If you agree with the above statements, hold on tight because we have some serious myth busting to do!
Making your food dollar stretch
Learn simple tips and tricks from the experts to stretch that food dollar.
Nutrition for shift workers
Do you skip meals or resort to takeaways due to lack of time or motivation? Learn how to fuel your body with the right foods at the right time to maximise your energy levels.
Nutrition Australia ACT Division can design a seminar topic to suit the needs of your workplace. Please note, discounts may apply when a suite of seminars is requested.
For further information, or to make a booking, contact us on 02 6162 2583 or email us using the enquiry form.