Learn to create fresh, healthy and tasty dishes that are quick and easy to prepare. All demonstrations run for one hour and provide taste testing for up to 30 participants.
We supply all required equipment and ingredients.
Popular cooking demonstrations include:
- Quick and easy family meals
- Lifting the lid on lunch
- Breakfast on the run
- “Bring a plate” – healthy snack ideas for morning teas and functions.
- Budget busters
Optional extra – Take home meal kits Each participant will receive a take home meal kit with all the ingredients they need to replicate the dish at home. Limit of 20 take home packs per cooking demonstration.
On site facilities available for preparation, cooking and taste testing must be confirmed before a booking can be finalised.
For further information or to make a booking, contact Nutrition Australia ACT Division on 02 6162 2583 or email us using the contact form.