$77.00 / year
As a Nutrition Australia member you will be part of an organisation which has earned a reputation as a reliable source of information on food, nutrition and health. Additionally, you will be supporting the promotion of scientifically based nutrition information in the community.
In becoming a member of Nutrition Australia National, you will automatically become a member of your local State Division. Members resident in SA and Tas are managed by Victorian Division and members resident in NT are managed by Queensland Division.
As a member of Nutrition Australia you will:
In most instances, your Nutrition Australia membership is tax deductible if it’s relevant to your profession.
Please note that a “recurring” membership means your membership will be renewed automatically on the anniversary of your joining, using the original payment method. You will be sent an automated email to confirm the renewal.
To become a member you agree to support Nutrition Australia’s Rules of Association and General Objectives: